FAQ - Mental Fitness Formula Skip to content


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FAQ - Mental Fitness Formula

Why would I not just buy all of these ingredients separately?

  •  A month supply of each ingredient sold separately can cost anywhere from $40-60 on most online retail stores. The Mental Fitness Formula offers these ingredients combined into one serving size at a discount

Why is there no melatonin included in the product?

  • Research on melatonin has not been able to demonstrate that exogenous melatonin (given as a supplement) does not negatively impact your body's ability to produce its own melatonin after long term use. It is possible that if you take melatonin for sleep for a long enough time, you may become dependent on supplemental melatonin to fall asleep as your body will completely stop producing its own. 

How long should I take the product to see results?

  • For better sleep, it is recommended to take it for at least 7 days in a row to see changes and 14 days in a row if you are coming off another sleep aid while starting this product
  • For seeing results with mood and stress management, these changes may be seen overnight. However, noticeable changes may not be seen until the end of week 2.